Friday, 20 December 2013

Treating me differently is no laughing matter

For our Now Hear This series, we feature another of our patients who has kindly agreed to talk about how people treated him differently initially when he had hearing concerns. 

Michael from Stutton, Suffolk

Why did you decide to have your hearing checked by The Hearing Care Centre?

Busy supermarkets with all the background noise can be tough
I’ve been with The Hearing Care Centre since October 2012. Previously to that I had National Health hearing aids for five years which to be honest weren’t really adequate. The hospital told me there was nothing more they could do for me so that’s when I turned to Karen and The Hearing Care Centre. She explained that my prescribed NHS aids were very basic and there was so much more choice to consider. We chose mid range aids to improve the quality of sound which are fully automatic so they greatly increase not only the volume but the quality of that sound coming into your ears. They are also extremely comfortable to wear compared to what I had before. I was becoming tired of the way people treat you when you have a hearing problem. I remember being at a supermarket checkout and having to say pardon to the cashier and she replied with ‘Are you thick or something?’ Even friends who mean well think its ok to poke fun at me because of my lack of hearing; its ok perhaps the first couple of times but NOT when they continually refer to it. When you think that the everyday things you take for granted are the things I struggle with, for example using a phone without my hearing aid would be impossible.

What would you say to others who are unsure about having their hearing checked? 

Once you reach say 55 I believe you need to regularly have your hearing checked, I mean you do for your eyes and think nothing of it. I got my father-in-law who couldn’t hear at all on the phone to go and see Karen and he’s very happy with his new hearing aids from The Hearing Care Centre. People say to me, yes but if I go privately I’ll have to pay -  trust me it’s worth it! If you go along when they are doing a free hearing test you have nothing to lose and they even let you try them out before you make a final decision.  You will be amazed at what you can hear again. I can now hear my grandchildren and walk safely with a pet or a child again as I can hear the traffic coming behind me. The biggest difference probably for my wife, is that the TV is now back to a normal and comfortable level for us both, although occasionally I have to tell her to turn it down!!

If any of Michael's or our other patients stories on this blog have struck a chord with you, we are here to help. Having a hearing test doesn't necessarily mean you'll need our help but at least you will know either way. 

May I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.

Until my next blog in 2014, regards Karen. 

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