Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Helping your mother to hear

With Mother’s day coming up, we sons and daughters are quick to realise all of those little things that our mum did to make our childhoods easier and more care-free. It’s these little things that make all the difference to us as we celebrate Mother’s Day this March. Wouldn’t it be great if we could finally repay them for their many years of service by helping make their lives easier?
One such little thing, hearing loss, may be a big issue for many mothers out there and can be easily cared for with a hearing test and consultation with your local audiologist. Imagine helping alleviate any struggles with conversations and hearing in noisy environments for your mother this year.

I am certainly finding that more and more women are dealing with hearing loss issues and are not taking the measures to get the care they deserve. One reason is due to a resistance to wearing hearing aids. Sadly, some people still feel there is a stigma attached to wearing them, as though it’s an admission that they are getting old, and perhaps by association, doddery too! This is so far away from the truth as in fact hearing aids keep you young, they keep you involved in conversation with friends and loved ones.
Show your love for your mother this Mother’s Day by accompanying her to an appointment with an audiologist. I feel strongly that no one should have to struggle with hearing loss when there is something that can be done.

For more information on hearing loss simply click here.


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